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    To all of you Thank you … very much for looking after us when our Mum and Dad were away Scan_20150311 (8)
    Waffles and Theo - February
  • cattery Brighton

    Summer Holidays are just around the corner – Cattery Brighton

    Wow!! How are we nearly in June already??

    We say it every year but at Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we feel like this year is just flying by, it won’t be long until we are closer to this Christmas than Christmas 2017.

    With that in mind we are preparing for a busy summer session at the cattery and are taking bookings for this Christmas period too. By far the busiest sessions we have are the school summer and Christmas holidays when many families take their annual vacations.

    So whilst your booking your trips away, whether abroad or closer to home, spend a few minutes thinking about who will look after your cat. Many people over look this and have a last minute rush to find the puurfect place for their kitty to spend their holidays

    At Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we are happy to accept bookings for as far in advance as you need. We are also happy to help you with those last minute bookings but cannot guarantee we will have availability during our busiest periods.

    Why send your cat on their holidays to us?

    • Clean, safe runs both indoors and out
    • Friendly, knowledgeable staff who love nothing more than spoiling your cat.
    • Easy access to our cattery, just outside of Brighton
    • Food, litter, toys and bedding supplied (or if you prefer you can bring your own)
    • Lots of cuddles and attention
    • Special diets, medications and needs looked after
    • Stays ranging from 1 night to 1 month or longer. We can have your cat for as long (or short) as you need.

    If you still need some convincing that our services are right for you and your cat/s then give us a call on 01273 857 539 or pop in for a free inspection, no appointment needed.

    Boarding Cats at Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel

     Taking your cat with you on holiday is, in most owners’ cases, simply not an option. Travelling overseas precludes this and the feline talent as escape artists makes it impractical. For many owners, kennelling their pets while they travel is the best solution. Your pet is safe and well looked after and you can relax.

    Many owners still worry about leaving their cats in catteries, however, as they are unsure how their cat will cope. Here are some tips on helping your cat have a great holiday too.

    Start young

    The best time to get your cat used to a cattery or kennel is while they are young. Kittens accept new situations readily and will cope well with change. Book your kitten in to your chosen boarding establishment for a night or two. This will ensure your cat accepts their holiday location in the future.

    If you haven’t done this and your cat is now an adult, don’t worry too much. Your cat can still accept their new holiday locations later in life. A test night or two, prior to leaving them for a longer vacation period, may help ease your pet into their holiday and may assure you too, that your pet is safe and comfortable.

    Cattery check

    Most owners relax when they know their pet is comfortable and well taken care of. This means being confident in the care that their chosen boarding establishment offers. It is essential that you do your research when choosing a kennel or cattery. Visit several and see what they have to offer. Ensure they are clean and that the cats in residence at the time look well and happy. Ask any questions you may have, however silly you think they may be. You can be sure the staff have heard the same question on numerous occasions.

    What your cat needs

    All cats are individuals and you, as an owner, are best at knowing your cat’s requirements – for comfort, diet, grooming and playtime. Check that the boarding facility provides the services your cat needs.

    Cats tend not to be too sociable with other cats. For this reason most boarding facilities keep cats separate. If you have more than one cat, you may like them to stay together. Remember, however, that in confined circumstances, they cannot get away from one another so ensure they truly are happy spending time together.

    Coming home

    Owners are often surprised to find that their cat does not jump for joy when they return home. In fact, quite the opposite and the cat often has a very quiet, watchful phase. This is perfectly normal and does not mean your cat loves you less or is paying you back for leaving. It is simply an animal’s way of integrating themselves back into their social circle. They will be back to normal before long.

    If only one animal has been boarding and is then reintroduced to others, keep a watchful eye on proceedings. Interactions are often intense at these times and may even result in short bursts of aggression. Give each pet space and life should return to normal soon.

    Come and visit us to find out more

    Out Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel, we encourage all prospective clients to come and visit us before they use our services. We are more than happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. We are located 10 minutes outside of Brighton in beautiful countryside. No appointment necessary,

    To find out more or to make a booking please call us on 01273 857 539, we look forward to hearing from you

    RSPCA’s Top 10 Cat Facts

    Read the article below, taken from https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/cats to find out more about how the RSPCA recommend we look after our feline friends.

    Cats come in all sorts of different sizes, body shape and temperament. We have lots of advice for cat owners – including tips on understanding cat behaviour; when and why to neuter and specific advice on how to look after a kitten during those first few weeks and months.

    What makes cats great? Everything they do! They can be affectionate, playful, energetic and lazy. Just take a look at Ralph – how can you resist his handsome face?

    Check out our top ten cat facts!

    No two cats are the same, but insight into the biology and behaviour of cats can help you to understand your pet better.

    1. Cats have highly developed senses. Cats can detect higher frequencies of sound than dogs or humans. They have an excellent sense of smell, superior to humans and they can see better than us in dark and dim light!
    2. Cats are expert hunters. Cats hunt alone – in the wild they’ll spend 6-8 hours a day hunting. They can hear the high pitched frequencies used by small rodents and their whiskers or ‘vibrissae’, are highly sensitive to vibrations, helping them to detect prey.
    3. Cats are agile. Cats have powerful, tightly controlled muscles and fast reflexes that allow them to move quickly and gracefully. They are skilled at running, jumping, climbing, and stealthily stalking prey.
    4. Cats use a range of methods to communicate. Communication sounds include purrs, ‘meows’, trills, chirrups, growls, yowls, and hisses. They also communicate visually using different body postures as well as visual markers such as scratch marks or the deposition of faeces.
    5. Cats are independent. Survival is a solitary affair for cats; they are self-reliant for food, shelter, grooming and territory defence. They can be social but prefer to choose their own companions.
    6. Cats are territorial. A cat’s territory is an area that is defended, aggressively if required, against other cats. They use a range of methods to mark their territory, including scratching, spraying urine and depositing faeces. Help keep your cat safe outside.
    7. Cats are meat eaters. Meat is an important part of a cat’s diet. Eating meat is important for cats; they cannot survive without the nutrients found in animal-derived materials.
    8. Cats love cat naps! Domestic cats sleep for 12-18 hours a day! Sleep allows energy resources to be replenished so is vital for a predator that needs to be ready to hunt whenever it detects prey.
    9. Cats are playful. Cats are intelligent and need both mental and physical stimulation. Play is important as it improves motor skills, provides brain training and encourages social behaviour. Keep your cats entertained with our range of fun toys.
    10. Cats are clean animals. Tiny abrasive hooks, found on the centre of cats’ tongues, helps them to groom themselves efficiently. Grooming keeps a cat’s coat in good condition and also helps to remove fleas and other parasites. Read more about keeping cats in tip top condition.

    Why use a cattery for your cats next holiday? Cat Sitting in Brighton

    When going on holiday it is easy to get carried away and forget that your cat needs to be looked after too. Remember it may not just be you that is taking a holiday.

    There are a few options for cat care whilst you are away, such as home pet sitting or catteries. Both are brilliant ways of ensuring care for your cat.

    There are many catteries to choose from, cats can grow accustomed to their change of environment more quickly than we might at first think. Many boarding places are even equipping the living quarters of the cattery with home comforts such as televisions and sofas, so your cat will settle in and feel more at home with these familiar items around. Moving from a lively home with children, games and music may be missed by your cat if you take them to a very quiet cattery. Avoiding as much disruption as possible will help your cat greatly.

    It is wise when choosing a cattery to visit a few and get a feel for the accommodation, routine and staff. You need to be sure that your cat will be properly looked after and receive the food they like, have warm and comfortable living quarters and will get adequate exercise. If you are not happy with the cattery then do not send your cat there. The last thing you would want to be doing whilst on holiday is worrying about your cat and the care that you have left them in.

    Familiarity always assists a stay in a cattery. If you cat has a favourite blanket, toy or bed, make sure you take it with you to the cattery. Not only will it make your cat comfortable, but it will bring the scent from your home, instantly making your cat feel more at home.

    At Poynings Cat Boarding hotel, near Brighton your cats happiness and well being are paramount. Our staff ensure each cat gets individual care and attention and as much love and affection as they need. To us cats are like family and we want to make sure that your cat feels like one of our family when they stay with us, for however long or short.

    Why not pop in to checkout our facilities, we welcome visitors, no appointment necessary or you can call us on 01273 857 539 to find out more.

    Dangerous Foods For Cats- Poynings Cattery Brighton

    Foods that you should avoid giving to your cat, or allowing them access to are:

    • Alcohol – can be potentially fatal in cats, causing brain and liver damage
    • Baby food containing onion powder – human baby food is not nutritionally balanced for cats, and can contain toxic onion powder which can cause haemolytic anaemia
    • Chocolate – contains theobromine and caffeine which can lead to heart problems, muscles tremors or seizures
    • Citrus oil extracts – can cause severe vomiting
    • Cooked bones – can splinter can cause  obstructions and perforations of the gastrointestinal tract. If you feed your cat bones, ensure they are always fresh and raw.
    • Coffee, tea and energy drinks – contain caffeine which can cause restlessness, muscles tremors and heart palpitations
    • Diets that are predominately raw fish  – are often deficient in thiamine due the presence of enzymes that break down the thiamine. If feeding raw fish, only offer once to twice weekly or alternatively cook before serving.
    • Diets with excessive/large amounts of liver – liver is very high in Vitamin A which can be toxic if fed in excess. Only small amounts of liver should be fed
    • Dog food – can cause severe nutritional deficiencies
    • Grapes and raisins – can cause kidney failure
    • Garlic and onions – can cause haemolytic anaemia
    • Mouldy food – including dairy products, bread, rice, fruits and nuts. Can contain mycotoxins which cause tremors, vomiting, rapid heart rate and breathing, and in severe cases convulsions. (More common in dogs)
    • Potato, rhubarb and tomato leaves and stems, green tomatoes – contain poisonous alkaloid glycoalkaloid solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal problems
    • Sugar-laden foods, high carbohydrate foods – cats are obligate carnivores and high carbohydrate foods can lead to obesity, dental problems, and diabetes mellitus

    If you need your cat looked after whilst you are away then give us a call on 01273 857 539. We pride ourselves on providing top care for all cats and kittens. Pop over to visit us in Brighton, no appointment needed

    Keeping your Cat Healthy & Happy


    Unlike us, our pets can’t speak for themselves. In many cases, they won’t tell you when something is wrong. In order to keep our pets healthy they need regular trips to the vet, even If you check your cat at home, veterinarians are trained specialists and have the equipment and expertise that allow them to find something that you may have missed. It is essential that kittens are taken to the vet on a regular basis for a check-up and vaccinations. Young cats are also more susceptible to disease and infection, so don’t hesitate to take your kitten to the vet if you suspect any illness is present.  Please, please take your cat for routine check-ups and take them immediately if you suspect something is seriously wrong. If you’re unsure or are seeking advice on your cat’s health, many vets offer phone consultations, which will save bringing your kitty in and causing unnecessary stress.

    You can take a number of steps to prevent your cat from getting an illness, and it is important to uphold these measures for both your wallet and cats safety.

    Neutering/Spaying your Cat

    The one seemingly obvious thing that can keep your cat in a healthy condition is neutering. Unless you have a pedigree cat and are planning on breeding, it would be a really good idea to get them neutered.

    Neutering (male cats) or spaying (female cats) can stop certain types of cancer growing in both sexes, and it will also decrease the risk of your cat catching a UTI (Urine Tract Infection). Among other health benefits, having your cat neutered ensures that he or she can’t produce offspring. Unplanned feline offspring can have serious underlying health issues, which can lead to entire litters being euthanized. So, unless you are planning on breeding your cat, it is highly recommended that you neuter him.

    Preventing disease in your cat

    As well as preventing disease in, you can also protect against harmful parasites like intestinal worms, ticks and fleas. If you suspect your cat has worms, you can check their stools for confirmation.

    Worms, ticks and fleas

    The most common sign of your pet having worms is finding worms in their stool (worms look like small white silk-like strands), however, tapeworms can sometimes cause vomiting and loss of weight and may not necessarily be present in your pet’s faeces. In any case, if you suspect your cat has worms please take them to the vet, a veterinarian will confirm the diagnosis before prescribing the right deworming medication. Once you have the medication it is your responsibility to treat your feline friend by feeding them the correct dosage of medication at the correct intervals. For other parasites like fleas and ticks, they can be spotted quite easily on your cat’s fur and skin. They can be easily treated with a ‘spot-on’ solution, which is normally applied to the back of the neck, this should prevent your cat from getting either of these pesky parasites. If you do spot your cat with fleas, after treating them, make sure to deep clean your entire house, to stop an infestation.

    Diet and exercise – keeping a kitty fit and healthy!

    Playtime for cats!

    Playtime for kittens is essential to their cognitive development, but older cats also enjoy stimulating interactions with their owner. Your cat may enjoy lazing around and sitting on your lap, however, it is important that your cat gets exercise and stretches their muscles. Even simple activities, like using a scratching post, allows cats to stretch out. Without this and other forms of exercise, your cat may lose mobility over time. Playing with toys for mental stimulation is also recommended to keep your cat healthy. You should use a range of interactive toys, which you can rotate to keep your cat interested. You should also keep most toys in a secure place when not playing with them. This stops your cat using them when you are not around. If overused, some toys will lose their novelty value. Cats are naturally curious and respond well to novelty items and games. You should use this fact to help establish a stronger bond between you and your feline friend.


    Dietary requirements for cats are frequently misunderstood. Descended from African wild cats, the modern day domestic cats are reliant on a 100% meat diet. In the wild, they would hunt day and night for small prey, and it is natural for them to eat 5-7 different times throughout a 24hr period. A lot of owners don’t feed their cat nearly half this much and in way too big portions. Unfortunately, these types of schedules are not very convenient for owners who work full time. Most cats also eat at the same place, day in – day out. No effort or brain power is required. To optimize your cat’s stimulation at feeding times, place several timed or puzzle feeders throughout the house. This keeps things fun and interesting for your cat on a day to day basis.


    Cats are usually very good at grooming themselves, however, it is important, from time to time, that you give them a helping hand. Cats only clean the surface of their hair. By using a brush you can help to get old hair and dead skin out from underneath. Older cats especially need help with grooming. Due to their age, they may be unable to thoroughly groom, which is why it’s important to take more time brushing senior cats. You can bathe your cats too! While a lot of cats dislike water, it isn’t going to harm them. In fact, it is a good way to make sure your cat stays clean and healthy. Cats like to roll around in a variety of things while out adventuring, so bathing alongside brushing also allows you to spot any changes, lumps or spots that can then be checked by the vet as soon as possible. To make bath time easier on you and your pet, take the time to get your pet used to the bath as a kitten, or, if you adopted an older cat, try to get them used to the surroundings and the bath. Introduce things gradually, like letting them sniff the cat-friendly shampoo, start with tiny amounts of water so that your cat won’t panic and injure itself or you.