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    To: Tracy & Pete, Thank you so much! Thank you for looking after Tigger for us for all these weeks. We missed him lots and appreciate all you have done for him.
    Sha & Tigger
  • Blog

    Top 18 very obscure cats facts that you might not want to have known!

    cat sitting amongst fact books


    1. It is claimed that Isaac Newton invented the cat flap – While he is most known for his discovery of gravity, it has been documented that while working, Isaac was continuously interrupted by cats scratching at the door to be let in. Consequently, he invented a way for cats to enter the house/room without human intervention – The cat door or cat flap.

    2. Cats share almost all of their genetic makeup with tigers – 95.6% of your kittie’s DNA is identical to that of a tiger!  They also share almost identical behavioural traits, like marking territory with scent glands and in the way they stalk their prey.

    3. Spaying your cat can extend its life – Cats should be neutered during the first 5 months of their life. Studies on this suggest that spayed or neutered cats can live up to 62% longer on average.

    4. A group of cats is called a ‘clowder’ – A male cat i is known as a ‘tom’ and a female cat can b either be a ‘queen’ or a ‘molly’. While baby cats are still called ‘kittens’ a group of them born to the same mum is called a kindle.

    5. Cats sleep a lot! – While this may be obvious to us cat owners, cats sleep to conserve energy and will sleep up to 17 hours a day! This means that cats sleep for near to 70% of their lives.

    6. Cats have weird tongues – Like their very close relative the tiger, cats have spines down the middle of their tongue which helps them draw in food. They also have an extra organ that helps them ‘taste the air’ as well as smell.

    7. Cats are excellent healers – When either happy or sad cats tend to purr, this has been speculated to be a self-healing mechanism. Is it a coincidence that the frequency of a cat’s purr is the exact same frequency that bones repair themselves?

    8. Cats have preferred paws? – It has been noted in studies that male cats are typically right pawed but female cats are normally left pawed. However at least 10% of our feline friends are actually ambidextrous.

    9. Cats meow only for us – Cats have developed meowing to talk only to their owners, they don’t meow to communicate with other cats. Hissing, however, is used to in showing fear to both humans and cats. Cats can also change the tone of their meow to manipulate humans, they copy the frequency of human babies in order to get food from us.

    10. Cats have excellent hearing – They can rotate their ears a full 180 degrees and move each ear individually, giving them a large sound scope of their surroundings. When compared to humans who can only hear sounds up to 20Hz, cats come out on top, being able to hear up to 64hz.

    11. Does your cat not respond to catnip?– This is unsurprising as only half of all cats are sensitive to the herb. If a kitten has only one catnip sensitive parent it is half as likely to crave the herb, whereas if both parents are sensitive to the plant the kitten will have a three in four chance of being catnip crazy too!

    12. Cats don’t always land on their feet – While this fact is widely believed, it’s not always true. Cat has an impeccable sense of balance meaning, more often than not, all paws touch the ground together when they fall.

    13. Are black cats bad luck or good – Depending on where you live either could be true. In the United States, black cats are known for bringing bad luck and in Germany, the same goes. If your cat crosses your path from left to right it will bring you bad luck and if it crosses your path the other way you’re in good luck!  Also in Japan black cats are said to be very lucky and In the United Kingdom or more specifically the Midlands, black cats were given to new brides to bless their marriage!

    14. Some cats hate water –  Most cats are not fond of H20, scientists believe this is because their fur isn’t well insulated and it causes discomfort for kitties. On the other hand, there are a few breeds that are known, oddly, to love a swim or a bath every now and then. These breeds include the Maine Coon, the Bengal Cat and the Turkish Van

    15. Cats love boxes – We all know that cats will climb into any box they find lying on the floor but why is this? Scientists speculate that cats love boxes and other enclosed spaces because it brings them close to the feeling of being back in the womb. It makes them feel safe and comfortable. In animal shelters, boxes are used to encourage cats to settle in. It was found that cats with a box adapted to their new environment faster than cats who weren’t provided with a box

    16. Cats and taste – Did you know that cats can’t taste sweet things? This is because cats don’t eat anything sweet naturally and have never evolved to be able to taste anything other than savoury.

    17. Is your cat allergic to you? – Is speculated that at least 1 percent of cats are allergic to humans. Being kept inside increase the risk of asthma attacks due to inhalation of cigarette smoke, dust and human dandruff. But don’t worry, a special cat ventilator can be provided if your cat does turn out to have this rare allergy. Signs of this can be as simple of your cat coughing regularly! So keep an eye out!

    18. Domestic vs wild cats – Did you know there are considered to be over 70 different species of cat, however, some consider all domestic cats to be their own species! The largest of the wild cats is the Liger, a hybrid of a lion and tiger. These massive cats weigh in at over 900 pounds! On the other end of the scale, we have the rusty spotted feline, which on average, only weighs about two and a half pounds!

    Why your cat may change behaviour after staying at a cattery

    You love your cat and your cat loves you. That’s why separation can be quite hard on our kitties (and us!). So if you come back to collect your pet and it is acting a little differently, it’s probably down to a few simple things. Cats don’t like change, they are creatures of habit and are very comfortable in their routine. Your separation and having been in a new location may have had an effect on your pet. If the abnormal behaviour persists the reason may be medical and it would be best to get your pet checked out by a vet, however, before you panic, give your cat time to settle back down at home and back into a routine. Cats need time to adjust to change, just like us!

    Before you go away

    If you are planning to go away on holiday, leaving your feline friend in a cat hotel, it’s important to keep your schedule as normal as possible beforehand so you don’t alarm your kitty! Remember to feed your cat at the usual times and make sure to keep your own stress at a minimum. Cats are very clever and they can sense if you are anxious or upset. If they sense something is wrong they will pick up on your stress, and it will stress your cat out too, and that wouldn’t be good terms to part on. Do your best to keep your own schedule as normal as possible Kitty will notice all the extra shopping trips and the unavoidable chaos that accompanies the preparation to go away. Another tip to use in order to keep your cat as calm as possible before you go on holiday is to pack slowly. Up to 2 weeks before you go away, set out your suitcases, then slowly over the two weeks fill them with everything you will need. This gives your pet plenty of time to investigate and accept the change in their own time. It also means you will avoid frantic packing as your vacation date approaches, minimising the stress on both you and your cat.

    Returning your cat to normal after being on holiday

    When you return from your (hopefully wonderful) holiday, you will be ecstatic to see your best feline friend for a reunion. However, do not be surprised if your cat doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Cats take a while to adjust to new situations Whilst you may be ready to go back home, your cat has just become used to being at the cattery, and it will take them a few days to settle back down into a routine.

    Speaking of routine, it’s important that you don’t overfeed your cat or give him/her excessive amounts of treats. While their unusual reaction to you may have made you feel bad, don’t overcompensate by overfeeding, although a few extra treats to make kitty feel appreciated is fine. If you feel your cat has lost weight due to stress, (this is hard to tell without going to the vet), you needn’t worry. Feed your cat at normal times with their usual amount of food and your cat should bounce back within a few weeks. If the weight issue continues to concern you after this time, please seek advice from your vet.

    Give your cat undivided attention for a few minutes every now and then during the days when you return from holiday. While you are busy unpacking and getting everything straight, your cat will also be busy exploring and reacquainting his/herself with the house again. It’s important to help build your cat’s confidence with affection and play, and to let them know that things will be returning to normal now that you are both back at home. Playtime will be essential in distracting your kitty from the fact you were separated, helping them to more quickly re-adjust to being back with you.

    If you feel your cat is still stressed after a few days, don’t worry, they probably just need a little extra support in knowing that your bond is still strong and that they are safe. For extra help in calming kitty, you can purchase calming drops or plug-in scents at your local pet store to help relax your feline friend. Additionally, you could put on some calming or natural music. There is scientific evidence behind a cat’s mood being influenced by music. Soothing music will also help you to relax too, which kitty will sense and take on board, helping reduce stress for both of you.


    Take a look at how you’re feeling after your return from holiday, as you may have noticed by now, our cats are super sensitive to their owner emotions and mood changes. Perhaps find time during the day for some self-care, whether it’s meditation, reading a book or even partaking in your favourite indoor hobby. You may find that if you are relaxed and calm your cat will soon follow your mood. Keep these things up alongside your normal routine and soon enough your cat will readily reacquaint itself with both you and his/her surroundings.


    All in all, remember to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Everyone’s cat reacts differently to their time in a cattery, and the experience can differ each time. Be patient, prepare to give your cat time to regain confidence. Get back into a normal routine, and remember, the more stressed you are, the more stressed your cat is going to be. You know your cat best at the end of the day, so if you feel something is further amiss with your cat, please take them to a vet as soon a possible.


    Training your kitten

    obedient cat, hanging on your every word

    Forgiving and patient

    Kittens, not unlike our own children, need to be taught how to live in a home. Training a Kitten takes practice and patience. For a kitten to understand what is deemed good or bad, rewards and punishments need to be put in place to reinforce behaviours. You, as the owner, also have a responsibility to provide your pet with the necessary means to carry out desired behaviours. For example; if you don’t want your kitten to defecate in the house, you should provide a litter box.

    Setting the right example to your kitten

    young litter of kittens

    Kittens do not inherently know how to behave, therefore it’s important to set the right examples and standards as they develop their behavioural skills. Have a spray bottle full of water nearby and spray your cat when he or she displays an undesirable behaviour, for example; scratching anything other than the scratching post.


    Don’t declaw your kitten. Healthy kittens need their claws, however, if you are finding your kitten’s claws too sharp, you can ask the vet to cut the tips off. I wouldn’t recommend doing this yourself as kittens have tiny claws and it would be very easy to hurt your pet in an uncontrolled environment. Cats also have a need to scratch things. You can’t train scratching out of them, but you can discourage destructive scratching. You can do this by removing temptation. Cover any furniture your kitten is attractive to and provide an alternative such as a scratching post. Try to incorporate the scratching post into a game so that your cat can become familiar with scratching there.


    Kittens also have a tendency to bite while they are teething and playing. While it can be a difficult stage for owners, kittens will feel the need to bite during this time but it will pass. However while in the teething stage you can try to replace hands with toys while playing, or if your kitten gets too rough you can either spray them with a little water or simply walk away. This will show them they won’t get any attention when the game gets out of hand.

    While training your kitten to use the litter box, it’s imperative to keep the litter box very clean. The most common reason why kittens stop using litter boxes is due to litter box maintenance. If kittens have been raised with their mother, they will most likely be accustomed to using the litter box already and all you have to do is to re-enforce the habit. You can do this by placing your kitten in the litter box after feeding times, making sure they go to the toilet. You can also help by applying scent that’s attractive for cats if they are having a hard time learning this habit.


    Young cats love to jump, and they will jump up onto any and all surfaces. If this isn’t ideal for you it’s important to set boundaries. If your cat jumps up to somewhere you don’t want them to be, for example, a kitchen counter, simply scold them and remove them from the surface. If you repeat this your cat will learn that they are not allowed on that surface. If this bad habit persists, you can add other measures, like the spray bottle because your cat won’t like the feeling and will associate it with being on that surface.

    Top ten common household items that are dangerous to cats

    cat thinking about eating a flower

    Keeping your kitty out of danger when he/she is in your home shouldn’t be a problem for most of us, but occasionally special care is needed to ensure your home is 100% cat safe. Below we have listed our top ten household items that can cause a problem to your kitty!   

    1. Household plants – Especially if you have a kitten, make sure to keep any house plant away and out of reach. Not all houseplants are toxic to your cats, like bamboo or Christmas Cactus but others like the swiss cheese plant, aloe vera and lilies could seriously harm your cat if ingested.

    2. Yarn – This may be the most surprising dangerous item, considering propaganda would have you believe that all cats love playing with yarn! While this fact is true, if your cat eats the yarn, it could wreak havoc on the intestinal tract and could even kill your cat. So if you are a lover of knitting be sure to keep your yarns out of your cats reach.

    3. Some foods – While chocolate is the most know toxic human food to cats, there are a whole host of other pantry items that could make your cat seriously ill if they were to eat it. For example, raw fish carries pathogens that are no good for our cats; and yeast dough, for pizza or bread, if eaten the dough will expand in your cat’s tummy and cause pain and possibly internal bleeding! Please research a full list of foods that may be harmful to your cat before feeding them anything you are unsure of.

    4. Milk – As much as kittens like to drink milk and are depicted doing so, adult cats are actually lactose intolerant and ingesting it can cause massive pain and discomfort to them. If you would like to give your cat milk, it would be best to pick up some lactose-free milk from your local pet store.

    5. Insect repellents and traps – Whilst it is important to keep those pesky bugs away, a lot of these products contain ingredients that are toxic to most pets. Please do not spay your pets with insect repellant; instead use measures like, flea spot treatment and collars. Also, be sure to keep any insect traps out of your pet’s reach.

    6.Coins and other metals – Coins and metals containing zinc are extremely harmful to your cat. While swallowing a coin itself may not be, the zinc contained in coins dissolves and is absorbed into the bloodstream, causing kidney and heart failure in small mammals.  

    7. All household cleaning products – While this is pretty common knowledge, it is extremely important to keep these items out of your pet’s reach. Cats are very cunning and with practice are very good at opening cupboards, so make sure your cleaning supplies are kept under lock and key, for your pet’s sake.

    8. Exposed wires – Kittens especially like to chew on everything and anything, so make sure to keep all wires properly covered and well out of reach. Adult cats too are inquisitive and obviously don’t know of the danger of electricals. Don’t automatically assume your cat is ‘sensible enough’ not to be curious, so take the necessary precautions to keep your pets healthy and safe.

    9. Bones – As tempting as it is to feed your cat bones, they can be so dangerous for your cat to eat. When cooked most bones become fragile and can splinter, leaving sharp points that will cause internal bleeding. It is probably wise to keep your cat away from even uncooked bones as it isn’t worth the risk of them coming to harm.

    10. Mould – Don’t give your stale or mouldy leftovers to your cat. Any mould is toxic to cats, so even feeding them cheese is a no go! Especially as they are lactose intolerant anyway!

    Summer Holidays are just around the corner – Cattery Brighton

    Wow!! How are we nearly in June already??

    We say it every year but at Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we feel like this year is just flying by, it won’t be long until we are closer to this Christmas than Christmas 2017.

    With that in mind we are preparing for a busy summer session at the cattery and are taking bookings for this Christmas period too. By far the busiest sessions we have are the school summer and Christmas holidays when many families take their annual vacations.

    So whilst your booking your trips away, whether abroad or closer to home, spend a few minutes thinking about who will look after your cat. Many people over look this and have a last minute rush to find the puurfect place for their kitty to spend their holidays

    At Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we are happy to accept bookings for as far in advance as you need. We are also happy to help you with those last minute bookings but cannot guarantee we will have availability during our busiest periods.

    Why send your cat on their holidays to us?

    • Clean, safe runs both indoors and out
    • Friendly, knowledgeable staff who love nothing more than spoiling your cat.
    • Easy access to our cattery, just outside of Brighton
    • Food, litter, toys and bedding supplied (or if you prefer you can bring your own)
    • Lots of cuddles and attention
    • Special diets, medications and needs looked after
    • Stays ranging from 1 night to 1 month or longer. We can have your cat for as long (or short) as you need.

    If you still need some convincing that our services are right for you and your cat/s then give us a call on 01273 857 539 or pop in for a free inspection, no appointment needed.

    Boarding Cats at Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel

    sussex cat boarding
     Taking your cat with you on holiday is, in most owners’ cases, simply not an option. Travelling overseas precludes this and the feline talent as escape artists makes it impractical. For many owners, kennelling their pets while they travel is the best solution. Your pet is safe and well looked after and you can relax.

    Many owners still worry about leaving their cats in catteries, however, as they are unsure how their cat will cope. Here are some tips on helping your cat have a great holiday too.

    Start young

    The best time to get your cat used to a cattery or kennel is while they are young. Kittens accept new situations readily and will cope well with change. Book your kitten in to your chosen boarding establishment for a night or two. This will ensure your cat accepts their holiday location in the future.

    If you haven’t done this and your cat is now an adult, don’t worry too much. Your cat can still accept their new holiday locations later in life. A test night or two, prior to leaving them for a longer vacation period, may help ease your pet into their holiday and may assure you too, that your pet is safe and comfortable.

    Cattery check

    Most owners relax when they know their pet is comfortable and well taken care of. This means being confident in the care that their chosen boarding establishment offers. It is essential that you do your research when choosing a kennel or cattery. Visit several and see what they have to offer. Ensure they are clean and that the cats in residence at the time look well and happy. Ask any questions you may have, however silly you think they may be. You can be sure the staff have heard the same question on numerous occasions.

    What your cat needs

    All cats are individuals and you, as an owner, are best at knowing your cat’s requirements – for comfort, diet, grooming and playtime. Check that the boarding facility provides the services your cat needs.

    Cats tend not to be too sociable with other cats. For this reason most boarding facilities keep cats separate. If you have more than one cat, you may like them to stay together. Remember, however, that in confined circumstances, they cannot get away from one another so ensure they truly are happy spending time together.

    Coming home

    Owners are often surprised to find that their cat does not jump for joy when they return home. In fact, quite the opposite and the cat often has a very quiet, watchful phase. This is perfectly normal and does not mean your cat loves you less or is paying you back for leaving. It is simply an animal’s way of integrating themselves back into their social circle. They will be back to normal before long.

    If only one animal has been boarding and is then reintroduced to others, keep a watchful eye on proceedings. Interactions are often intense at these times and may even result in short bursts of aggression. Give each pet space and life should return to normal soon.

    Come and visit us to find out more

    Out Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel, we encourage all prospective clients to come and visit us before they use our services. We are more than happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. We are located 10 minutes outside of Brighton in beautiful countryside. No appointment necessary,

    To find out more or to make a booking please call us on 01273 857 539, we look forward to hearing from you

    RSPCA’s Top 10 Cat Facts

    cat welfare brighton

    Read the article below, taken from https://www.rspca.org.uk/adviceandwelfare/pets/cats to find out more about how the RSPCA recommend we look after our feline friends.

    Cats come in all sorts of different sizes, body shape and temperament. We have lots of advice for cat owners – including tips on understanding cat behaviour; when and why to neuter and specific advice on how to look after a kitten during those first few weeks and months.

    What makes cats great? Everything they do! They can be affectionate, playful, energetic and lazy. Just take a look at Ralph – how can you resist his handsome face?

    Check out our top ten cat facts!

    No two cats are the same, but insight into the biology and behaviour of cats can help you to understand your pet better.

    1. Cats have highly developed senses. Cats can detect higher frequencies of sound than dogs or humans. They have an excellent sense of smell, superior to humans and they can see better than us in dark and dim light!
    2. Cats are expert hunters. Cats hunt alone – in the wild they’ll spend 6-8 hours a day hunting. They can hear the high pitched frequencies used by small rodents and their whiskers or ‘vibrissae’, are highly sensitive to vibrations, helping them to detect prey.
    3. Cats are agile. Cats have powerful, tightly controlled muscles and fast reflexes that allow them to move quickly and gracefully. They are skilled at running, jumping, climbing, and stealthily stalking prey.
    4. Cats use a range of methods to communicate. Communication sounds include purrs, ‘meows’, trills, chirrups, growls, yowls, and hisses. They also communicate visually using different body postures as well as visual markers such as scratch marks or the deposition of faeces.
    5. Cats are independent. Survival is a solitary affair for cats; they are self-reliant for food, shelter, grooming and territory defence. They can be social but prefer to choose their own companions.
    6. Cats are territorial. A cat’s territory is an area that is defended, aggressively if required, against other cats. They use a range of methods to mark their territory, including scratching, spraying urine and depositing faeces. Help keep your cat safe outside.
    7. Cats are meat eaters. Meat is an important part of a cat’s diet. Eating meat is important for cats; they cannot survive without the nutrients found in animal-derived materials.
    8. Cats love cat naps! Domestic cats sleep for 12-18 hours a day! Sleep allows energy resources to be replenished so is vital for a predator that needs to be ready to hunt whenever it detects prey.
    9. Cats are playful. Cats are intelligent and need both mental and physical stimulation. Play is important as it improves motor skills, provides brain training and encourages social behaviour. Keep your cats entertained with our range of fun toys.
    10. Cats are clean animals. Tiny abrasive hooks, found on the centre of cats’ tongues, helps them to groom themselves efficiently. Grooming keeps a cat’s coat in good condition and also helps to remove fleas and other parasites. Read more about keeping cats in tip top condition.

    Why use a cattery for your cats next holiday? Cat Sitting in Brighton

    brighton cattery

    When going on holiday it is easy to get carried away and forget that your cat needs to be looked after too. Remember it may not just be you that is taking a holiday.

    There are a few options for cat care whilst you are away, such as home pet sitting or catteries. Both are brilliant ways of ensuring care for your cat.

    There are many catteries to choose from, cats can grow accustomed to their change of environment more quickly than we might at first think. Many boarding places are even equipping the living quarters of the cattery with home comforts such as televisions and sofas, so your cat will settle in and feel more at home with these familiar items around. Moving from a lively home with children, games and music may be missed by your cat if you take them to a very quiet cattery. Avoiding as much disruption as possible will help your cat greatly.

    It is wise when choosing a cattery to visit a few and get a feel for the accommodation, routine and staff. You need to be sure that your cat will be properly looked after and receive the food they like, have warm and comfortable living quarters and will get adequate exercise. If you are not happy with the cattery then do not send your cat there. The last thing you would want to be doing whilst on holiday is worrying about your cat and the care that you have left them in.

    Familiarity always assists a stay in a cattery. If you cat has a favourite blanket, toy or bed, make sure you take it with you to the cattery. Not only will it make your cat comfortable, but it will bring the scent from your home, instantly making your cat feel more at home.

    At Poynings Cat Boarding hotel, near Brighton your cats happiness and well being are paramount. Our staff ensure each cat gets individual care and attention and as much love and affection as they need. To us cats are like family and we want to make sure that your cat feels like one of our family when they stay with us, for however long or short.

    Why not pop in to checkout our facilities, we welcome visitors, no appointment necessary or you can call us on 01273 857 539 to find out more.

    Dangerous Foods For Cats- Poynings Cattery Brighton

    cattery brighton

    Foods that you should avoid giving to your cat, or allowing them access to are:

    • Alcohol – can be potentially fatal in cats, causing brain and liver damage
    • Baby food containing onion powder – human baby food is not nutritionally balanced for cats, and can contain toxic onion powder which can cause haemolytic anaemia
    • Chocolate – contains theobromine and caffeine which can lead to heart problems, muscles tremors or seizures
    • Citrus oil extracts – can cause severe vomiting
    • Cooked bones – can splinter can cause  obstructions and perforations of the gastrointestinal tract. If you feed your cat bones, ensure they are always fresh and raw.
    • Coffee, tea and energy drinks – contain caffeine which can cause restlessness, muscles tremors and heart palpitations
    • Diets that are predominately raw fish  – are often deficient in thiamine due the presence of enzymes that break down the thiamine. If feeding raw fish, only offer once to twice weekly or alternatively cook before serving.
    • Diets with excessive/large amounts of liver – liver is very high in Vitamin A which can be toxic if fed in excess. Only small amounts of liver should be fed
    • Dog food – can cause severe nutritional deficiencies
    • Grapes and raisins – can cause kidney failure
    • Garlic and onions – can cause haemolytic anaemia
    • Mouldy food – including dairy products, bread, rice, fruits and nuts. Can contain mycotoxins which cause tremors, vomiting, rapid heart rate and breathing, and in severe cases convulsions. (More common in dogs)
    • Potato, rhubarb and tomato leaves and stems, green tomatoes – contain poisonous alkaloid glycoalkaloid solanine, which can cause violent lower gastrointestinal problems
    • Sugar-laden foods, high carbohydrate foods – cats are obligate carnivores and high carbohydrate foods can lead to obesity, dental problems, and diabetes mellitus

    If you need your cat looked after whilst you are away then give us a call on 01273 857 539. We pride ourselves on providing top care for all cats and kittens. Pop over to visit us in Brighton, no appointment needed

    How to recognise and reduce stress in your cat

    cattery brighton

    It’s the rare cat who faces stressful events with barely a twitch of the whiskers. Even the most confident, laid-back felines inevitably have moments where they shoot under the bed and refuse to come out.

    This skittish behavior can have roots in a lack of early socialization or bad experiences. But it’s also been handed down to today’s kitties from their wild ancestors. As a species, cats are not only predators, but prey. So thousands of years of evolution have taught them to keep their guard up, just in case.

    Of course, your cat probably has to worry more about the vacuum cleaner than a wild animal. But that doesn’t mean that the stress, anxiety and fear she feels is any less real. In fact, it’s a neuro-chemical reaction that takes place in the brain, bringing about the well-known fight or flight response. Since stress can affect your cat’s mental and physical wellbeing, it’s important to take steps to alleviate her anxiety.

    A number of things can cause your cat stress, but change is at the heart of most of them. Houseguests, separation from you, moving to a new home, visits to the vet, a new dog, cat or kid in the family – these can all send kitty’s anxiety level sky-high.

    The first step in helping your cat is learning to recognize the subtle and not so subtle signs of stress, including:

    • Hiding
    • Large pupils
    • Compulsive grooming
    • Excessive vocalization
    • Eliminating outside the litter box
    • Not eating
    • Vomiting or diarrhea

    Of course, the best strategy is to anticipate stressful events and make a plan for keeping kitty calm. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    Create a Cat-Only Zone

    Create a Cat-Only Zone

    Planning a party? Having work done to your home? Expecting houseguests? Give your cat a safe, quiet, calm place to hide away, preferably in a favorite area of your home. Ask others not to disturb your cat in her sanctuary.






    Offer Escape Routes

    Offer Escape Routes

    If your cat hates to be shut up in one room, or it’s just not feasible in your situation, make sure she has an out-of-the-fray way to navigate around your home. Never block the path from, say, your bedroom to the litter box … or you may end up with an unpleasant surprise.






    Do Some CAT-isthenics

    Do Some CAT-isthenics

    Pent-up energy can fuel anxiety, so playing with your cat is a great way to help her burn off stress. Pull an enticing toy along the floor or flip it into the air, move your hands under a sheet so she can attack the “bed rat,” or offer her an automated cat toy. Hopefully, she’ll be so pleasantly tired that she’ll snooze through the whole event.





    Respect Boundariest

    Respect Boundaries

    One mistake pet parents sometimes make is thinking that their cat just needs more exposure to “get over” their fears. This approach almost never works and can erode your kitty’s trust in you. If she prefers to stay hidden, respect her wishes. But if she happens to venture out, reward her bravery with lots of treats and praise.





    Get Set for the Vet

    Get Set for the Vet

    Regular vet visits are important to keep your cat healthy and happy. But most of us – both feline and human – dread these annual trips. Reduce stress by making the carrier a safe, familiar place. Leave it out in a favorite room and make it comfy with soft bedding and catnip spray. You may also want to look for a Fear-Free Certified Veterinarian, who has been trained in techniques that reduce or remove anxiety triggers for their animal clients.





    Finding a perfect boarding hotel for your cat whilst you are away is essential, At Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we do our upmost to ensure your cat is as relaxed and stress free as possible during their stay with us. We welcome you to visit our cattery, 7 days a week to inspect the accomodation, you know your cat better than anyone and best set to decide whether we are the right fit for you and your cat. Call us today on 01273 857 539 to find out more or pop in for a visit – we can’t wait to see you.