• Customer Comments

    To Tracy & Poyning Cat Hotel Team Thank you for looking after Jack so well over Christmas! The text updates were great. Thank you again Scan_20150311 (5)
    Liz and Nick, January
  • Boarding Cats at Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel

    sussex cat boarding
     Taking your cat with you on holiday is, in most owners’ cases, simply not an option. Travelling overseas precludes this and the feline talent as escape artists makes it impractical. For many owners, kennelling their pets while they travel is the best solution. Your pet is safe and well looked after and you can relax.

    Many owners still worry about leaving their cats in catteries, however, as they are unsure how their cat will cope. Here are some tips on helping your cat have a great holiday too.

    Start young

    The best time to get your cat used to a cattery or kennel is while they are young. Kittens accept new situations readily and will cope well with change. Book your kitten in to your chosen boarding establishment for a night or two. This will ensure your cat accepts their holiday location in the future.

    If you haven’t done this and your cat is now an adult, don’t worry too much. Your cat can still accept their new holiday locations later in life. A test night or two, prior to leaving them for a longer vacation period, may help ease your pet into their holiday and may assure you too, that your pet is safe and comfortable.

    Cattery check

    Most owners relax when they know their pet is comfortable and well taken care of. This means being confident in the care that their chosen boarding establishment offers. It is essential that you do your research when choosing a kennel or cattery. Visit several and see what they have to offer. Ensure they are clean and that the cats in residence at the time look well and happy. Ask any questions you may have, however silly you think they may be. You can be sure the staff have heard the same question on numerous occasions.

    What your cat needs

    All cats are individuals and you, as an owner, are best at knowing your cat’s requirements – for comfort, diet, grooming and playtime. Check that the boarding facility provides the services your cat needs.

    Cats tend not to be too sociable with other cats. For this reason most boarding facilities keep cats separate. If you have more than one cat, you may like them to stay together. Remember, however, that in confined circumstances, they cannot get away from one another so ensure they truly are happy spending time together.

    Coming home

    Owners are often surprised to find that their cat does not jump for joy when they return home. In fact, quite the opposite and the cat often has a very quiet, watchful phase. This is perfectly normal and does not mean your cat loves you less or is paying you back for leaving. It is simply an animal’s way of integrating themselves back into their social circle. They will be back to normal before long.

    If only one animal has been boarding and is then reintroduced to others, keep a watchful eye on proceedings. Interactions are often intense at these times and may even result in short bursts of aggression. Give each pet space and life should return to normal soon.

    Come and visit us to find out more

    Out Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel, we encourage all prospective clients to come and visit us before they use our services. We are more than happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have. We are located 10 minutes outside of Brighton in beautiful countryside. No appointment necessary,

    To find out more or to make a booking please call us on 01273 857 539, we look forward to hearing from you