• Customer Comments

    To Tracy & Poyning Cat Hotel Team Thank you for looking after Jack so well over Christmas! The text updates were great. Thank you again Scan_20150311 (5)
    Liz and Nick, January
  • How To Prepare Yourself for a New Cat

    cattery brighton

    If you are thinking about adopting a new cat, then you have probably thought about adapting your home as well. Since those little furballs are pretty curious, you’ve come to the right place to learn about bringing a new pet into your home and the steps you should take to make sure that their insatiable curiosity doesn’t become their downfall. These tips will help you kitten-proof your home and prepare yourself for your new furry friend.

    Make a safe place

    When you bring a new kitten home, it will probably try to hide underneath a bed or behind the couch until it feels comfortable enough to explore the new surroundings. Cats are particularly sensitive to new surroundings, and some may hide for days or even weeks. Try to make sure that you don’t leave space behind your furniture because you will have a huge problem with feeding your new kitten or showing it the litter box it should use. Make a safe place within your house where the cat can go and relax, or hide away when it needs to. You have to give it time to feel secure in your home. It can be a regular small cardboard box or even a shoebox. Cut out the small hole that can be used as an entrance and place the box somewhere in the corner. That way you will create a small safe corner shelter for your kitten.

    Move stuff from floor to shelves

    Look at your home with a curious cat’s eye view for climbing and exploring the potential. First of all, forget about decorative accents on the floors or lower shelves. Kittens are like most babies, pretty clumsy and curious and they will most definitely try to climb on, jump over, and subtly wriggle between your furniture and all breakable decoration. Also, put potted plants on the top shelves since your new kitten will probably play with it and dig a hole in the soil or simply nibble the leaves. If you wonder why, well, it’s just because they want to do it. But they look so cute doing it! Also, put away all unnecessary items or if you are ready to get rid of the excessive belongings contact rubbish removal services to save time, money and give your full attention to your new cat in your (now) minimalistic home.

    New kitten essentials

    Let’s start with the necessary items you will need to set up space and make your new kitten feel more secure in your home. So, you will need a litter box and litter (it would be great if you could use the same type the kitten used – ask the previous owners so that it doesn’t feel confused). Dishes for food and water (avoid purchasing plastic or steel ones, opt for ceramics – easier to clean and healthier to eat from, plus they don’t keep the smell of food). A cat mat for dishes (to reduce the kitten mess), a scratching surface (kitty needs to take care of its claws) as well as a few cat toys and a comfy bed for your fur baby (even though your lap will probably be the best bed for your new kitty). If possible, buy a cat tree for your new family member. Cats like to survey their territory, so a high perch is often a favoured resting place.

    The types of litter

    When picking a litter type, avoid strongly scented ones and try not to mix them (avoid buying different type with every purchase). It’s a good idea to choose the soft type at the beginning since kittens have the most sensitive paws (and definitely the cutest and fluffiest ever). Make sure to choose a shallow enough litter box to make it easier for your little ball of fur to enter. You can also put a cat mat underneath the litter box and prevent messiness around it.

    Carefully choose the food

    Make sure you purchase food according to your kitten’s age since they need a lot of energy to play and grow in their first few months and therefore stronger food. It’s best to give your cat the same food they ate at the shelter or foster home, at least at first. The junior cat food has enough vitamins, high-quality ingredients and everything your kitten needs to grow which is extremely important from the start. Plus, it is softer, so it is easy for them to eat it. And remember to follow the portion dosage to avoid having an overweight cat with health problems.

    Patiently train your cat

    Teach your cat things it should and shouldn’t do but do it patiently. You shouldn’t allow your kitten climb on tables for example because if it gets used to doing so, there is almost no chance to change that kind of behaviour later on.

    Finally, after following these tips, your home will be perfectly set for your new bestie. And remember, set boundaries but don’t yell at the kitten, you don’t want to traumatise it or make it aggressive to people when it grows up. And pet your kitten a lot; the purring has a great impact on people as well!

    Have a plan for when you need to go away

    It is important to ensure you have reliable, affordable care for your new kitten when you go away, whether for a long holiday or a weekend break. Kittens need a lot of care and attention and it is essential to make sure they are with someone who can look after their needs. This could be a family member, friend or a cattery. Do your research and visit where you think you would like your kitten to stay before you need to drop them off. If you are stressed or not happy with the level of care and accommodation then your cat will quite likely be also!

    At Poynings Cat Boarding Hotel we ensure each cat/kitten receives all the care and attention they require. We have over 29 years experience in looking after cats and kittens of all breeds, shapes and sizes. We encourage clients to visit our cattery – no appointment necessary 7 days a week. To find out more call us on 01273 857 539